Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Paul Ryan, Patheos' ?News and Politics? and ?Public Catholic?

Deacon Greg is probably one of the least ?political? writers at Patheos, but he is still a newsman and his Catholic perspective has him rounding up articles on Paul Ryan and also culling specific Ryan/Catholic issues from the headlines, like this one: Ryan?s Budget a ?Quandary? for some Catholics?

Meanwhile, just in time for the electoral season (and destined to live beyond it), Patheos has created a sort of one-stop landing page for all of your ?mixing my faith with my politics? needs, whereby you can just hit one page and deliver unto yourself a plethora of opinion from many different faith traditions (or lack thereof) and perspectives.

Particularly as we begin to add blogs and columns written by politicians, you might want to bookmark our News and Politics page.

Today, for instance, you will make the acquaintance of Oklahoma State Representative Rebecca Hamilton, who also happens to be a Catholic, and brings her blog Public Catholic aboard.

Her current headline is one that should grab your attention: Marriage is a Mess and Homosexuals Didn?t Do It

We focus our national attention on the definition of marriage under the law. We wear out our keyboards writing about it and revile one another over our positions on it. But despite the accusations and counter-accusations that season our debate, we ignore the home truths of marriage in this country today. The truth is, marriage has been a mess for quite some time. And homosexuals weren?t the ones who messed it up.
Homosexuals didn?t set off the epidemic of divorce in this country. Homosexuals didn?t create the millions of feral children who spend most of their time alone, raising themselves on video games, drugs and interactions with their peers. Homosexuals don?t cheat on our spouses. Homosexuals don?t break into our homes and yell and curse at our families. They aren?t the cause of the rising number of unwed births and the global pandemic of abortion. We did these things. Marriage is a mess and it was heterosexuals who messed it up.

We insist that the legal definition of marriage should be a union between one man and one woman. But we behave as if it says that marriage is a union between one man and one woman at a time.

So, yeah, this is not a girl who will be holding back on what she thinks and where she stands, so you?ll want to check her out!. Hamilton is no Simpering Miss.

A few other new arrivals to Patheos that may have slipped by (there are so many coming through so fast, and we have a few surprises in store, here on the Catholic Channel, too!) If you missed it, Real Clear?s Jeremy Lott is now blogging here, (albeit in the Evangelical sector) and we are also grabbing some terrific names for our Patheos Movie Club, including reviews from Daughter of Saint Paul and cinemaphile Sister Rose Pacatte, who will be blogging here at Sister Rose at the Movies. Another bookmark-worthy site, particularly as you try to navigate your family through the pop-culture.

Finally, since we seem to be discussing women with strong wills, strong minds and a habit of not-fainting, let me leave you with this piece by Kathryn Jean Lopez, who has something pretty special about yet another such woman!

Source: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/theanchoress/2012/08/13/patheos-news-and-politics-and-public-catholic/

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