Thursday, February 14, 2013

Silence in the library is the death of River Song. River whispers the doctors name in his ear to prove she is trustworthy. The wedding of river song is the "death" of the doctor. The doctor whispered his name in her ear but actually he whispers "look in my

Silence in the library is the death of River Song. River whispers the doctors name in his ear to prove she is trustworthy. The wedding of river song is the "death" of the doctor. The doctor whispered his name in her ear but actually he whispers "look in my eye" & you can see the doctor inside the body of a mechanical version on the doctor what if the silence in the library was just River in a mechanical body of herself and she never actually died. Maybe she to escaped death by the same means ;)


Anonymous ASKED

I am so torn about things like this. River surviving the library would be wonderful because it would mean that her adventures with the Doctor can go on forever. Be that as it may, River?s sacrifice in the library is so poignant that I don?t really want it revised any more than she did.?

5 notes


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