Sunday, September 30, 2012

Moffitt Cancer Center researcher helps develop prostate cancer testing

Julio M. Pow-Sang, M.D., chair of Moffitt Cancer Center's Department of Genitourinary Oncology, and colleagues have published two prostate cancer articles in the September issue of JNCCN ? The Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. The articles review and clarify recent updates made to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network's (NCCN) guidelines for the screening and treatment of prostate cancer.

According to the NCCN, nearly 242,000 cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in 2012, accounting for 29 percent of new cancers among men. It is estimated that more than 28,000 men will die from the disease this year.

According to the journal, prostate cancer is "over diagnosed and over treated" and is subject to a controversy "fueled by large screening studies." This month, Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, the NCCN has offered support for active surveillance, a strategy by which men with low-risk tumors, often classified as clinically insignificant, are monitored over time.

"Depending on the disease characteristics and the patient's life expectancy and personal preference, active surveillance may be a viable alternative to immediate and radical treatment," Pow-Sang said. "For others with high-risk, localized tumors or locally advanced disease, there are recent treatment advances that should be considered."

New agents and therapy combinations

According to the NCCN, external beam radiation and androgen deprivation therapy have been the traditional treatments for patients with high-risk tumors. However, the NCCN reports that brachytherapy, either permanent seed implant or temporary placement (high dose radiation), combined with external beam radiation and androgen deprivation therapy is increasingly being used for these patients.

The first article, Prostate Cancer, version 3.2012, noted that two new agents ? abiraterone acetate and immunotherapy sipuleucel-T ? are welcome therapeutic additions for patients with late-stage disease and poor prognosis.

Abiraterone acetate, which inhibits a key enzyme related to prostate cancer, can be given to patients after their chemotherapy. Studies have shown that it can also be used in chemotherapy-na?ve patients.

Sipuleucel-T, a second line therapy, is a live cancer vaccine approved in 2010 for treating asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic patients with metastatic prostate cancer. The NCCN has recommended the new drug for use after chemotherapy failure or as treatment along with chemotherapy.

"The new NCCN guidelines highlight important updates to the management of prostate cancer," concluded Pow-Sang and his co-authors. "These protocols are updated annually and more often when new, high-quality clinical data become available. The guidelines are based on evidence from clinical trials combined with expert consensus."

Active surveillance and PSA density, percent free, and biopsy cores

In a second article, Enrollment Criteria Controversies for Active Surveillance and Triggers for Conversion to Treatment in Prostate Cancer, Pow-Sang and co-author David D. Buethe, M.D., a urologic oncology fellow at Moffitt, examine the controversy and criteria for implementing active surveillance for patients with asymptomatic prostate cancer and identify the triggers that would convert active surveillance patients to active treatment status.

The authors note that for those patients with prostate cancers at low-risk for progression, the active surveillance strategy was proposed a decade ago but is recently receiving more attention as a viable management option.

"However, critical uncertainties still surround active surveillance," Pow-Sang said. "The criteria that qualify a patient as low or very low risk are not clear, nor is the definition of disease progression."

In this article, Pow-Sang and Buethe reviewed recent literature regarding those uncertainties, examining criteria for assisting in selecting men for active surveillance, including PSA density, percent free versus percent total PSA, biopsy positive core results and "volume of involvement" data.

"A PSA density of greater than 0.08 ng/mL/g has been identified as a significant predictor of future disease progression in those with low-risk prostate cancer," reported Pow-Sang. "However, some clinicians use a level of 0.15 ng/mL/g as a threshold."

Percent-free PSA has been found to be a significant predictor of organ-confined disease, said Pow-Sang and Buethe, noting that some reports have shown a significant indirect correlation between percent-free PSA and prostate cancer volume; but as yet this parameter is "not widely accepted as a predictor of cancer extent."

They also looked at studies on positive cores from biopsies and the extent to which core results could be used to develop criteria for treatment. Reports have shown the predictive value of positive biopsy cores, but the frequency for performing prostate biopsies remains controversial for outcomes of active surveillance patients, Pow-Sang said.

"Biopsies are not without consequences," he said. "Rectal bleeding and serious infectious complications from frequent biopsies need to be considered."

Additionally, no standard protocol exists, and controversy remains, for the frequency of PSA testing and the digital rectal exam for patients who are under active surveillance.

"Current guidelines vary," Pow-Sang said. "There are recommendations that the PSA and digital rectal exam should be performed every three to six months, or the PSA every three months and the digital rectal exam every six months. The frequency of biopsies is also variable, from once a year to up to every three years."

New potential tools

Pow-Sang and Buethe also report that a new tool, the PCA3 urinary marker, may be useful. PCA3 is a urine test used to quantify copies of the known prostate cancer gene 3. A PCA3 score of 35 or greater is considered possibly malignant. The test is prostate cancer specific and unaffected by prostatitis or benign prostatic hyperplasia, both of which have confounded the results of PSA testing.

The future of active surveillance

"Most studies report that 30 percent of active surveillance-classified men will be reclassified in the short term to clinically significant cancer that may require treatment," noted Pow-Sang. "Once more, PSA velocity (how quickly the PSA score rises) or PSA doubling time (how often the score doubles) has no clear role in active surveillance."

When counseling men with early prostate cancer, all treatment options, risks and complications should be discussed, Pow-Sang confirmed.

"Active surveillance is a reasonable management strategy for low-risk and very low risk prostate cancer, but allows for continual reassessment and identification of progressive tumors."


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Aid groups raise Syria refugees appeal to $490M

GENEVA (AP) ? The United Nations on Thursday increased its funding appeal for Syrians who have fled the conflict in their country to almost $490 million, warning that the number of refugees could rise to over 700,000 by the end of the year.

So far donors have given $141.5 million toward humanitarian assistance for the estimated 294,000 Syrians who have fled abroad, the U.N. refugee agency and 51 other aid groups said in a joint appeal.

"We only have one-third of the funding we need to respond," said Panos Moumtzis, Syria coordinator for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. "We are running out of time and we need to respond."

Aid groups had previously estimated that 100,000 Syrians would have crossed into neighboring Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey by the end of 2012.

But with no end in sight to the 18-month conflict and 2,000 to 3,000 Syrians crossing daily into neighboring countries, humanitarian groups are preparing to help up to 710,000 by year end, said Moumtzis. This includes Syrians who have already fled abroad but have yet to come forward to register as refugees.

Almost 95,000 Syrians have found refuge in Jordan, followed by almost 88,000 in Turkey and 78,000 in Lebanon. Some 33,000 Syrians have fled to Iraq, which recently reopened its border crossing at al-Qaim.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Weak orders point to sharp slowdown in manufacturing

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Orders for long-lasting U.S. manufactured goods fell sharply in August, suggesting the main engine of the economic recovery was stalling even as a report showing a drop in new claims for jobless aid offered a hopeful sign on the labor market.

While weak demand for aircraft and automobiles accounted for much of the drop in orders last month, the Commerce Department report on Thursday underscored the damage being inflicted by the uncertainty over U.S. fiscal policy, Europe's debt troubles and a slowdown in China.

"Given the uncertainty associated with the fiscal cliff, there is certainly a wait-and-see attitude which is impacting a lot of the data," said Omair Sharif, an economist at RBS in Stamford, Connecticut.

The so-called fiscal cliff refers to the $500 billion or so in expiring tax cuts and government spending reductions set to take hold in 2013 if the U.S. Congress fails to agree on an orderly way to reduce a huge budget deficit.

The Commerce Department said durable goods orders dived 13.2 percent, the largest drop since January 2009, when the economy was in the throes of a recession. The decline primarily reflected weak demand for aircraft and automobiles, and transportation orders fell 34.9 percent. Plane maker Boeing reported only one aircraft order last month versus 260 in July.

But orders were down for a wide range of goods, and even excluding transportation, orders fell 1.6 percent, dropping for a third consecutive month. The fall was in sync with other data indicating a marked cooling in the production side of the economy.

Economists polled by Reuters had expected orders for durable goods -- items from toasters to aircraft that are meant to last at least three years -- to fall 5 percent, with non-transportation orders rising marginally.

Unfilled orders dropped by the most since December 2009, pointing to weak factory activity in the months ahead.

"The thesis that manufacturing activity is likely to struggle for the remainder of the year continues to build," said John Ryding, chief economist at RDQ Economics in New York.

Underscoring the economy's weakness, the government revised its measure of second-quarter growth to just a 1.3 percent annual pace from 1.7 percent, largely to reflect the impact a drought in the Midwest had on farm inventories.

Inventories lopped off almost half a percentage point from GDP growth in the last quarter. However, economists expected this to reverse in the third quarter.

Durable goods inventories set a fresh record high in August, prompting economists at Macroeconomic Advisers to raise their third-quarter GDP growth estimate by one-tenth of a percentage point to 1.8 percent.

There was also bad news on the housing market, which has been one of the economy's relative bright spots. Contracts to buy previously owned homes fell in August, providing a counterpoint to other recent data that have shown activity in the housing market picking up, a separate report showed.

However, not all the news on Thursday was downbeat.

The Labor Department showed the number of Americans filing new claims for jobless benefits fell 26,000 last week to a two-month low of 359,000. The four-week moving average for new claims, a better measure of labor market trends fell for the first time after five weeks of increases.

Investors on Wall Street shrugged off the mixed economic data and bought stocks after five straight days of losses. U.S. Treasury debt prices fell on profit-taking after recent gains, while the dollar was little changed versus a currency basket.


Despite the drop in claims last week, labor market weakness was expected to persist for a while because of anxiety over higher taxes and deep government spending cuts in January and slowing global growth, economists said.

Sluggish job gains and stubbornly high unemployment spurred the Federal Reserve this month into launching a third round of bond purchases to drive down already low interest rates.

The U.S. central bank vowed to buy $40 billion worth of mortgage-backed securities each month until it sees a sustained upturn in the labor market.

"Today's reports suggest that the Fed is going to remain very accommodative for quite some time to try and spur demand and job growth," said Sam Bullard, a senior economist at Wells Fargo Securities in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Mortgage finance company Freddie Mac said the mortgage-backed securities purchases helped push the average rate on a 30-year fixed rate mortgage down to a record low of 3.40 percent this week.

In a preliminary estimate of an upcoming annual revision to its main employment measures, the Labor Department said it likely undercounted job growth in the 12 months through March by 386,000.

The encouraging news on the labor market was eclipsed by the weak durable goods report.

Orders for non-defense capital goods excluding aircraft, a proxy for business spending plans, rose 1.1 percent in August, only partly reversing a 5.2 percent slide the prior month.

What's more, shipments of these goods, which are used to calculate equipment and software spending in the GDP report, fell for a second straight month. That implies little or no growth in equipment and software investment this quarter.

(Additional reporting by Rachelle Younglai; Editing by Andrea Ricci and Tim Ahmann)


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Insight: Italy's slow Internet set for reboot

MILAN/PARIS (Reuters) - IMM Hydraulics, a small exporter of hoses for industries such as agriculture and mining, is the kind of firm that should be at the center of Italy's efforts to rekindle its stagnant economy.

Instead, the company, located in the Abruzzo region of central Italy, is wrestling with a basic impediment to profitability: a woefully slow broadband connection. With just 2 megabits (MB) per second, IMM Hydraulics' broadband connection lags behind the 5 MB typical in Italian cities, which in turn is well behind an average of 12 MB in France and 16 MB in Germany.

"It takes us days to process an order whereas it could take half an hour," said finance director Marcello Di Campli. "Broadband is one of our biggest problems, probably just after our access to credit."

Europe's fourth-largest economy has long been an Internet laggard, its creaky networks stunting the development of online commerce and banking. Italians pay among the highest prices in Europe for broadband speeds on a par with Estonia or Cyprus. As a result, only half the population uses the Internet at least once a week and Italian firms generate 5.4 percent of sales on-line compared to 13.9 percent elsewhere in Europe.

Now the reformist government of Prime Minister Mario Monti has identified better broadband as a national priority to spur growth and reduce Italy's 11 percent unemployment and bulging deficits.

"The statistics on e-commerce are chilling ... The broadband gap constrains growth by reducing the competitiveness of export-oriented companies," said Paolo Gentiloni, former communications minister and member of a group of deputies that has made proposals to support online commerce and government services.

In the government's sights is one-time monopoly Telecom Italia, which it believes has long thwarted competition and put off investing in its domestic network because of its huge debts.

Monti's government has enlisted state-backed finance body Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) to work out a plan with Telecom Italia and its rivals to create a nationwide super-fast fiber optic broadband network.

One of the most radical options under discussion is for Telecom Italia to spin off its existing network of decades-old copper lines - worth between 9 and 15 billion euros - into a separate company that would run Italy's fixed telephone and broadband system and sell capacity to other Internet providers on a wholesale basis. The new "access network company" could be partly state-owned and would have more incentive to invest in broadband, say advocates, because it would have neither debt to pay nor market share to defend.

Such a move would amount to something of a revolution in Europe and would test whether the state can be more effective than the private sector in building national broadband infrastructure.

Australia's government provided the blue-print in 2009 when, frustrated with the slow pace of investment, it became the first country to create a national company charged with building a single open access fiber broadband network to 90 percent of homes by 2021. Britain adopted a slightly different approach, requiring BT Group to create a separate subsidiary to sells wholesale access to competitors and build fiber broadband across the country.


Telecom Italia, like other former telecom monopolies in Europe, owns the last meters of copper lines to homes and businesses, which it then rents out to competitors - mobile operators Vodafone, Wind, and Hutchison's 3 - for a monthly fee set by regulators.

In Italy and elsewhere, it is these decades-old copper lines that need to be replaced by fiber optic wires to boost broadband speeds to up to 100 megabits per second. Updating those wires will cost 200 billion euros, says the European Commission, a sum telecom operators will struggle to mobilize.

Italy can't just issue orders to Telecom Italia because the company is no longer owned by the state but by individual shareholders and a consortium of three Italian banks and Telefonica. So government officials are using other ways to persuade it.

After months of fruitless negotiations between Telecom Italia chairman Franco Bernabe and CDP head Franco Bassanini, the state pledged to invest up to 500 million euro in Metroweb, a competing fiber broadband project in Italy's north, to up the pressure, a source close to the Metroweb group said.

Bassanini told Reuters that the CDP was "absolutely open to finding an agreement" and that talks with Telecom Italia were ongoing on "a broader hypothesis" than just the Metroweb investment. He acknowledged that the creation of a combined network company that merged all the current Italian network assets would be "highly sensitive" for Telecom Italia.

According to a person close to Telecom Italia, the CDP has hired Deutsche Bank to analyze the value of its network in preparation for hiving it off.

The pressure is taking effect: Telecom Italia is debating the spin-off idea internally and Bernabe has promised a decision by the end of this year.

Telecom Italia has also agreed to share some infrastructure with rival broadband provider Fastweb and to co-ordinate the rollouts of their respective fiber networks in a bid to cut costs - a deal that could make negotiations over a broader nationwide project easier, analysts say.

But Telecom Italia executives are divided over whether spinning off its fixed network is wise, said two people close to the company. Chief Executive Marco Patuano is backing the move because he believes the infrastructure's value will decline with the advent of super-fast mobile technology known as LTE, as well as competing fiber projects in Italy.

By contrast Bernabe believes owning the last meters of copper into people's homes represents a competitive advantage since rivals must pay to access it to be able to offer broadband to their customers. He has repeatedly said Telecom Italia will not do anything to lose control over its network.


Governments around the world are trying different strategies to upgrade their systems.

The United States is relying solely on competition in the private sector while Japan and Korea have ploughed public money into building nationwide fiber-optic networks, a task made easier by dense urban geography. Sweden and Norway became European leaders in fibre-optic broadband penetration via a mixture of tax breaks, subsidies for rural deployments, and in Sweden's case, requiring state-owned municipal utilities to create local networks.

Although it is early to judge Australia's nationwide fibre project, Britain's effective separation of BT in 2005 has taken the country from the middle of Europe's rankings on broadband speeds, cost and usage to near the top.

In the European Union, telecom operators and policymakers have spent the past year fighting. Operators argue they shouldn't have to share the new networks with rivals if they are to bear the cost of building them alone. The wrangling has contributed to upgrade delays in Italy and elsewhere.

Brussels now says member states will not be required to make the operators share fibre networks and has given operators free rein to choose what technology to deploy, in a regulatory framework that will operate to at least 2020.

Crucially, regulators will no longer set the prices at which incumbents sell wholesale access to smaller competitors on new fibre networks, so long as incumbents offer "equivalent" prices to everyone.

Gabrielle Gauthey, a former telecoms regulator in France who now works at Alcatel-Lucent, argues governments have a role to play in enabling adequate broadband coverage.

"Many telcos just don't have the money to invest the sums that are needed," said Gauthey. "It's a massive effort not unlike electrifying a whole country."

A network spin-off could help Telecom Italia reach its debt reduction targets and cut its 30.4 billion euro debt pile - and the operator seems to be seriously considering the idea. In a recent presentation to investors at a Sanford Bernstein conference, Telecom Italia said the rewards of a separating out its fixed network now outweighed the risks.

A banker close to Telecom Italia put the probability of the group going through with the spin-off at 70 percent, and two other banking sources say the company is considering appointing two banks to advise it on the mechanics.

A decision can't come soon enough for businessmen like Siro Badon, who owns a business in a shoe manufacturing district near Venice where local companies export 92 percent of the 20 million pairs of shoes made every year.

"Some companies in our district work with brands like Louis Vuitton and Armani with stylists in Paris and all over the world. Imagine the huge damage it causes not being able to communicate swiftly," Badon said.

"Sometimes I feel we are carrying an old country on our shoulders. I wait and hope."

(Editing by Sophie Walker)


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Avalanche deaths might be victims of Tibet crisis

KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) ? The climbers killed in a weekend avalanche in the Himalayas were part of a crush of mountaineers who came to the slope because of heightened tensions between Chinese authorities and Tibetans.

China rejected climbing permits for mountaineers hoping to scale peaks in the Tibetan Himalayas, forcing many to crowd onto mountains in Nepal, according to alpine companies.

As a result, about 30 teams were registered to climb Mount Manaslu, a 50 percent increase over last year, said Ang Tshering, who runs the popular Asian Trekking agency in Nepal.

About two dozen climbers were sleeping at a camp high on the mountain early Sunday when the avalanche swept over them. Rescuers have so far brought down the bodies of eight victims ? four French, one each from Germany, Italy and Spain, and a Nepali guide.

Tibet is a sensitive area for China, which sometimes limits access for foreign tourists. It has also in the past restricted the number of permits issued to climbers, and even stopped issuing them in 2008 while Chinese climbers took the Olympic torch to the top of Mount Everest before the Beijing Games.

Relations between Tibet and the Chinese government have been volatile this year, as many Tibetans set themselves on fire to bring attention to what they say is their suffering under China's repressive policies. China claims Tibet has always been Chinese territory, but most Tibetans say the Himalayan region was independent for much of its history.

Chinese officials did not accept applications for climbing permits this year, without giving any reason, said Tshering of Asian Trekking, who is also the representative for the China Tibet Mountaineering Association.

As a result, climbers who were planning to climb Cho Oyu or Shisapangma in the Tibetan region changed their destination to Manaslu, a popular choice because it was not as difficult a climb as other high mountains, Tshering said. It also has a relatively cheap $5,000 permit, compared to $35,000 for Everest during the autumn season.

Other mountains also saw an increase in traffic, Tshering said,

Bikram Newpane of the Katmandu-based Himalayan Rescue Association, which helps mountaineers in distress, said China's ban on permits for climbing the northern face of the Himalayas in Tibet could have added to the dangers.

"It is never 100 percent safe up on the mountains and the risks are always there. But there were more people on the mountains this year," Newpane said.

Overcrowding has been a concern because of limited space on trails and short windows of safety for summiting mountains.

Four people were killed on Mount Everest during the May climbing season when a traffic jam pushed dozens of climbers on the same narrow path to the summit, forcing many to stay too long at high altitudes and exhaust their oxygen supplies.

It is not clear if the extra people on Manaslu contributed to the tragedy. What does appear clear is that many would not have been on that mountain had their Tibetan climbing permits been accepted.

However, a crush of climbers could have benefits too, providing extra hands for rescue operations. Newpane praised the swift rescue on Manaslu, carried out by the trekking agencies that organized the expeditions.

Climbers also blame climate change for some of the recent tragedies on the Himalayan peaks, which have been hit by warmer weather that melts more snow and makes the surface unstable.

"The uncertainty of the weather condition has increased in the past few years on the mountains. The melting glaciers on the mountains make the grounds unstable," said Zimba Zangbu of the Nepal Mountaineering Association.

Zangbu said it continued to rain for two weeks in Nepal during the monsoon season that just ended.

"When it rains in the rest of the country, it snows on the mountains. Manaslu was also blanketed with soft snow," he said, adding that this type of snowfall does not get packed on the mountain surface and can lead to avalanches.

The spring season is more popular for climbers because the weather conditions are better on higher peaks before the monsoon brings rain and snow. High winds in the area known as the death zone over 8,000 meters (26,400 feet) also make climbing difficult during autumn.


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Malawi comedians group formed, premieres Sunday | Malawi news ...

By Maurice Nkawihe, Nyasa Times

September 26, 2012 ????? 1 Comments

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If you don?t laugh, you cry? goes the old adage. Laughter is a beautiful expression. It provides light moments in our lives, relieves us from pain and stress. Laughter has, in many contexts; act as antidote to troubled minds.

It makes us forget our sorrows and, in seconds, realize how beautiful the world is. Laughter is as result of good humor.

A pack of good humorous jokes is better than finest wine the world would offer. In light of such reason, some comedians in the country have teamed up to form a stand-up comedy group, Ajomasiwe, which is comprised of five people.

The name is derived from the names of the members, Andrew Samati, Jokes, Madalitso Nyambo, Charles Simbi and Wales Chigwenembe.

The comedians

?Ajomasiwe with different storytelling techniques and varying sense of humor have teamed up to provide unique family entertainment. Stand-up comedy has always been there in Malawi but usually comics performed as double acts. But now Ajomasiwe has endeavored to do it the internationally popular way,? one of the members, Wales Chigwenembe explained in an interview .

Chigwenembe added: ?Stand-up, as an art form that is openly devoted to getting immediate laughs from an audience, sees Individual comics performing in turns risking more than anyone else as they figure out the psychology of audiences and what amuses them.

?Just as successful brands, comedians cannot repeat the same routine for very long, no matter how successful it is. Stand-up comedy is a messy, counter-intuitive business. This is why Ajomasiwe will engage in an interactive loop of creation, feedback, revision, rejection, and creation again.?

According to Chigwenembe the grouping, which has been curtain-raising various shows since it was formed two months ago, will be officially launched on Sunday at Fro Motel in Blantyre.

The stand-up comedy show-to be first of its kind hosted by local comedians- will feature poets in the likes of Evelyn Pangani, Joseph Madzedze, Sylvester Kalidzang?oma, Hudson Chasowa, Micheal Benjala, Nyamalikiti-Nthiwatiwa and Kadzako Singano among others.

?We will use the show to also launch a poetry CD album, Kalasi B by Mada Nyambo who is also our member. It is the moment families come out and enjoy pack of jokes that at tailor-made for their pleasure,? he added.

Another member, Charles Simbi described the formation of the group as one way of unearthing hidden talent, saying through the group?s show various comedians will be given opportunity to expose themselves.

?Ajomasiwe is the act; Stand up Malawi is the project. The act will provide unique opportunity to laugh off various human absurdities and look at life from a funny and humorous view point. The project will unearth various standup acts across the country and promote Stand Up comedy as a standalone genre to expose local comics internationally,? Simbi explained.

Ajomasiwe has experienced local Comedian Mr. Jokes currently making it big in MBC TV Comedy corner, drama scriptwriter, Charles Simbi, , actor and celebrated poet of the Zavuta M?kalasi B fame, Madalitso Nyambo, Andrew Samati a stage performer and a notable theatre for development practitioner as well as versatile artist, Wales Chigwenembe also theatre for development practitioner and a theatre-director.

The group will be first one to be formed in the country and help putting the struggling local arts industry in shape.

Stand-up comedy is one of the most powerful tools and venues to educate, heal, incite, and make people ponder about ideas and things beyond themselves.

Tags: Andrew Samati, Madalitso Nyambo


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

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Lottery luck strikes 3x for one Norwegian family

(AP) ? Luck can strike more than once.

A family from western Norway has hit the lottery jackpot for the third time in six years when the son won more than 12 million kroner ($2 million) earlier this month.

He added to the successes of his father and his sister, who had also picked seven correct numbers to bring in winnings of more than 8 million kroner each in 2006 and 2010.

The Norsk Tipping AS lottery company said Tuesday it has had cases when one person has won the lottery twice but that the teenager's recent success was Norway's first reported occurrence of three members of the same family separately winning the lottery.

The company was looking into working out the mathematical odds of the family's six-year lucky streak.

Associated Press


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